Jesus is amazing! Every word on every page of Scripture proclaims this truth. The Gospel writers were given the inspired privilege of breathing literary life into the Word made flesh. And we get to bask in the glory. So much of the life of Messiah is familiar, whether you grew up in church or not. Who hasn’t heard of the One who turned water into wine, walked on top of the waves, and fed thousands with a few fish and bits of bread? He cured with compassion. He restored life and hope. And when He taught, Jesus’ words were more than moving and beyond simply radical thinking. Every time He opened His mouth, Jesus spoke life-changing truth, and it fell on ears and hearts like rain on parched land. All of this is familiar and marvelous!
However, many believers fail to understand the Jewishness of the Messiah. Christianity has Jewish roots. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi and His disciples were Jewish disciples. Gentiles were grafted into the holy root of Israel. Jesus is the promised Messiah for both Jew and Gentile. Discover amazing truths about: