An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural: Spiral Bound Workbook Leader’s Guide

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Author: Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark
Included: Spiral Bound Workbook Leader’s Guide
Weight: 0.78 lbs

Ancient Blueprint Leader’s Guide

Enhance your study of An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural with the companion workbook, and, if you are interested in teaching the Didache, we have provided this Ancient Blueprint Teacher’s Guide. In Instanbul, Turkey, the year 1873, a young cleric found a fragile parchment manuscript in a monastery library. It was called “the Teaching” or Didache (did-ah-KAY). Over a century later it became the subject of intense study by leading scholars. Their consensus? It pre-dated even the four Gospels and the Epistles. Written for a world with no knowledge of Jesus or the gospel, the Didache’s timeless instruction is well-suited for our current, often godless culture. This teaching is simple and saturated with the power of the early church. In its day, Messianic believers were still part of first century Judaism!

Spiritual training and commentary. This workbook contains two chapters on spiritual training six chapters of commentary on the Way of Life section of the Didache with questions for the learner to answer. It could be taught in an eight-session course. While it could be used weekly, a monthly approach would be much more beneficial. In that way, the course material would be taught and lived over a period of eight months. We have to face the trials of everyday life to discover our weaknesses and apply discipline in overcoming bad habits and strengthening new behaviors. The Didache is designed to transform lives, not teach information alone.

Courses and Sessions. The material contained in this workbook could be taught at a retreat or conference, but it should ideally be reinforced in a follow-up program. Another possibility would be in a small group setting or youth group.

An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural contains the full text of the Didache along with commentary from Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark. From its pages you will discover how to:

• Please God even in a godless society
• Demonstrate Jesus to the world around you
• Access the miraculous power of the Cross
• Rediscover prayer, communion, baptism and their power
• Discern false teaching that robs you of God’s fullness in your life

Dennis and Jennifer Clark say you will welcome the wisdom of the Didache in your life, and the rare and authentic understanding of the early church it gives you.

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An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural: Spiral Bound Workbook Leader’s Guide