Experiencing the Book of Hebrews PDF

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Author: Dr. Jennifer B. Clark
Included: Booklet PDF

Experiencing the Book of Hebrews

It is only the full and perfect knowledge of who Christ is and what He does for us that can bring us to a complete Christian life. The book of Hebrews is not just meant to be studied, it is meant to be experienced. The way to enter into the glory of God, which is the goal of the overcomer, can be compared to a journey through the three rooms of the Tabernacle in the wilderness which are a picture of the way of the Cross—the outer court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies. In the book of Romans, these rooms are called justification, sanctification, and glorification. The Apostle John calls them the levels of children, young men, and fathers (see 1 John 2:2-14). It is the way of spiritual maturity.

You will discover:

  • The power of Christ’s finished work on the cross
  • Christ’s present intercession for believers
  • How to enter into Christ’s rest
  • Our relationship with God in the Holy of Holies
  • What the blood of the eternal covenant accomplished

The one cure for all human frailty is to look to Jesus on the throne of heaven and confidently claim the heavenly life He waits to impart to us.

The book of Hebrews is lofty in heavenly concepts and profound in the heavenly inheritance presented to believers. We should eagerly dive into the depths of this brilliantly written book. Written as an exhortation for hesitant believers to stir themselves up and passionately undertake this spiritual journey, it may be compared to the zealous encouragementin the book of Romans to take the same high path chosen by the Apostle Paul and “present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).

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Experiencing the Book of Hebrews PDF