Equipping the Saints (3-CDs)

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Product Details
Author: Drs. Dennis & Jennifer Clark
Included: 3 CD Set
Weight: 0.35 lbs

In a recent study, pollster George Barna stated that the number one topic of interest for church leaders today is discipleship. The Great Commission to “go ye into all the world” is a call to disciple the world, not just convert the world. Three types used in the Bible to describe the body of Christ are family of God, bride of Christ, and army of the Lord.

  1. Family
    Father God didn’t send a committee to earth. He sent His Son as the Captain of our salvation to bring many sons so He could have a family on earth, a household of faith. Jesus prayed that this family would be unified in love and function as a body, a living organism, moving in harmony with the Spirit.
  2. Bride
    Jesus gave Himself completely for us. He yearns for us to give ourselves completely to Him in return. It was for this bridal love that we were created. True intimacy with our Bridegroom is the foundation of our Christianity.
  3. Army
    We have enlisted in the Army of the Lord as soldiers, fellow workers with God, to advance the rule of the conquering King on earth. “No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier” (2 Tim. 2:4)

Discover vital keys to make these three aspects of discipleship a reality in your life!

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Equipping the Saints (3-CDs)