Our Prayer Coaches
Each of our Prayer Coaches are personally trained by Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark in the Full Stature Ministries approach to help you apply the biblical framework of spiritual deliverance to your own personal time in prayer.
Meet our coaches:

Jason Clark
Jason graduated from the Blue Ridge Bible College School of the Prophets in 1998, as president of his class. He worked in the field of information technology in Kansas City, Missouri prior to moving to Fort Mill to become part of Full Stature Ministries.
Jason ministers emotional healing and deliverance both as a Prayer Coach, Senior Associate Pastor at Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill, and as the administrator of our Training Embassy for Advanced Ministries (T.E.A.M.) online school.

Molly T.
Molly has worked closely with the Clarks since 2001, is a certified instructor of the Full Stature Approach, and is an ordained Associate Pastor by Full Stature Ministries, serving at Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill.
Molly ministers emotional healing and deliverance in small group and corporate settings, and is a veteran Prayer Coach offering one-on-one prayer appointments.

Vicky Rose
Vicky was a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 23 years, and did missions training in Mexico and Costa Rica. She served on the mission field in Ecuador and Colombia. Vicky is fluent in Spanish and is gifted in pastoral care.
Vicky functions effectively in the Full Stature Approach for ministering emotional healing and deliverance as a certified Full Stature Instructor. She is a loving and capable minister in pastoral care, with an emphasis on one-on-one ministry and small group care and also ministers in worship and dance.

Rebecca Lebovich
Rebecca holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Boston University, School of Education. Her passion has always been to radically improve the quality of life for those to whom she is called.
Rebecca is a certified Full Stature Instructor and ordained Associate Pastor, serving as a teacher and Prayer Coach at Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill.

Connie graduated from Charis Bible College in Colorado Springs. In addition to serving as a Prayer Coach with Full Stature Ministries, she is a certified Instructor with our online school, Team Embassy, and is a small group leader at Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina.
Connie has a passion for seeing people set free from their emotional wounds so they can be all that God made them to be!
Learn about our coaching calls
Our Prayer Coaches are available for one-on-one telephone appointments to encourage and teach you how to implement the biblical principles of prayer and self-deliverance. Learn more about our approach, then book a session to get started!