As seen on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" broadcast
Have you seen Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark’s guest appearances on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural!” broadcast? If you haven’t seen them yet, or want to re-watch the episodes, we have the archives available to stream from our website.
Here are quick links to the products featured during these broadcasts:
The Secret Place - Discovering and Abiding
Abiding in the Secret Place, offers five essential keys to help you deepen your connection with God and experience His presence in a tangible way.

Get the book
Simple Prayer: A Guided Journal to Quiet Your Soul, Connect with God, and Abide in His Presence

Get the book
Abiding in the Secret Place: Practical Keys to Practicing the Presence of God in Your Everyday Life

Get the CD bundle
Abiding in God Made Simple Through their book and Bonus CD, Simple Prayer, you will be gently guided through a 60-day challenge with scriptures, daily prayers, healing prayers, and space for personal journal notes, transforming the perception of prayer from a burden to a joyful experience in your secret place. You will also get their new two-part audio CD set, Discovering the Secret Place.
Lost Teaching of the First Apostles
Dennis and Jen Clark share a 2020 look at the all-but-forgotten teachings of the first apostles called the Didache.

Get the book
"An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural" contains the full text of the Didache along with extensive, revelatory commentary and application from Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark.

Get the CD bundle
Includes the 4-CDs teaching "The Lost Teaching of the Apostles," 1 Paperback Book "An Ancient Blueprint for the Supernatural," and 1 Bonus Booklet "Small Groups that Go Deep."
Breaking Soul Ties

Get the book
Paperback Book by Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark with Jason Clark.

Get the CD bundle
Includes 4 CDs, 1 Paperback Book, and 1 Booklet.
The 60 Day Challenge
Dennis and Jen show you how to remove toxic emotions and blockages to healing.
“Get ready to unblock your access to supernatural emotional and physical healing. You’re just 60 days away from a new you!” – Sid Roth

Get the Most Current Updated Bundle!
Includes 3 CDs, 1 Paperback, 1 Guided Journal.

Get the Expanded Version CD bundle
Includes 5 CDs, 1 Paperback, 1 Journal, and 1 Prayer Card.

Get the Original CD bundle
Includes 3 CDs, 1 Paperback, 1 Journal, and 1 Booklet

Get the Original DVD bundle
Includes 1 DVD, 2 CDs, 1 Paperback, 1 Journal, and 1 Booklet.
Self-Deliverance Made Simple
Dennis and Jen share how to break down the keys to closing every door to the enemy in your life. Break loose from bondage! Throw off your chains and become everything God has made you to be!

Get the CD bundle
Includes 1 Paperback, 1 Workbook, and the "Prayers of Deliverance" CD where Dennis and Jen equip you to in self-deliverance and lead you through simple prayers of deliverance.

Get the DVD "super" bundle
Includes 1 Paperback, 1 Workbook, and 8 DVDs.
Releasing the Divine Healer Within
Dennis and Jen teach the revelatory science of spiritual healing. Get ready to experience the power of God like never before, as you uncover the biology of your belief, learn the revelatory science of spiritual healing, and unleash the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit within you!
Live Free: Practicing God's Presence 24/7
Dennis and Jen show you how to break the cycle of pain that comes from bitterness, unforgiveness, and brokenness. Live Free is a user-friendly guide to unlocking your lifestyle of freedom through intimacy with God.
Our “Live Free” curriculum is a greatly expanded version of Practicing God’s Presence 24/7 (originally published with a green tree cover). Order the “Live Free” paperback and workbook with CD or DVD bundle options:

Get the CD bundle
Includes 8 CDs, 1 Paperback, and 1 Workbook.

Get the DVD "super" bundle
Includes 8 DVDs, 1 Paperback, and 1 Workbook.
The Power of Peace
Dennis and Jen teach how to walk in Supernatural peace and God’s favor 24 hours a day and 7 days a week!
“Because of the Clarks’ teaching, I can walk in supernatural peace 24/7!” – Sid Roth, Host of “It’s Supernatural!”

Get the book
Paperback Book by Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark.

Get the DVD "super" bundle
Includes 4 CDs and 1 Daily Journal.